Results of “Relationship Between Blood Flow and
Skin Beauty” International Survey

Skin that is in excellent condition doesn’t last.
How can beautiful skin be maintained? A global survey shows strong interest in “blood flow.”

Changing lifestyles and a greater awareness of skin care

After a hot bath or a good night’s sleep, your skin’s condition is excellent, and it feels good. But it’s difficult to keep your skin like that.
SHISEIDO conducted a survey in four countries around the world that revealed new secrets to beautiful skin that women around the world have discovered while staying at home.
Note: Survey of a total of 2,933 women aged 20-49 living in

Recently, people all over the world have undergone major lifestyle changes, including the daily use of masks, and the popularity of online conferencing. Bare skin is more visible than ever, and more people are placing importance on skin care to help keep their skin from drying out.
SHISEIDO’s survey results show that people want resilient and beautiful skin, and that they are more aware of the need for skincare to get their skin into its best condition.

Is improving blood flow the key to an ideal skin image?

So, what is the ideal skin condition? When asked to imagine ideal skin, many women said “bare skin after a good night’s sleep” and “bare skin after a bath or shower.”

More than 70% of people consider “improved blood flow” essential to elevating the condition of bare skin. This shows that many people feel that there is a connection between beautiful skin and blood flow.

Scientific proof of the relationship between beautiful skin and blood flow

Blood flow carries oxygen to every corner of the skin, increasing hemoglobin and improving the complexion. The latest dermatological studies also prove that superior blood flow improves skin elasticity. So it turns out that that the awareness our survey participants expressed about “blood flow” as a factor in the skin’s beauty is scientifically valid.

Coming soon: detailed results of SHISEIDO’s many years of skin care research on how to maintain ideal skin conditions. PLUS, new tips discovered recently by survey respondents while staying home.

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